MAY/June 2024

May 4 – 9 am – Meditation – Saturday
May 4 – 9:45 am – Walk With A Doc – Saturday
May 18 – 9:45 am – Yoga – Saturday
May 18 – 11 am – Cooking Demo – Saturday
May 18 – 4 pm – WFPB Potluck – Saturday
May 19 – 1 pm – WFPB Potluck – Sunday
May 24 – 6:30 pm – Vegan Potluck – Friday
May 25 – 12 noon – Potluck & Cooking Demo – Saturday
June 9 – 2 pm – All Pods Potluck Picknick – Sunday
Our May community offerings will provide ample opportunities to share food in community at our potlucks. Enjoy the guest speakers and expand your knowledge of topics from foods to fight cancer, protect your skin, and take care of our earth.
Are people asking you about the recipe for your dish? We are inviting you to email the recipe to be included in the next newsletter. (
See this month’s recipe here.
🍽️ Terasa and Joe are hosting PlantEd in FortBend for a Finger Food Podluck.
Since it’s a Finger Food Potluck, here are the guidelines:
🍴No utensils! Really, we’re eating with our fingers! 😉😋
🍴Whole food, plant based. Little or no oil, please.
This should be a lot of fun and we’ll get some great ideas for summer parties!
Please join us! RSVP Terasa (425) 246-7147 or
Date and Time: May 18
Location: 8711 Mugwort Drive, Rosenberg
🍽️ May Picnic is First UU‘s potluck theme. Our special guest, dermatologist Dr. Suzanne Bruce, MD, will share her medical knowledge how food impacts health and how to best take care of our skin. Great to know for your next picnic.
Please RSVP – this event is filling up! For questions, please email Karoline,
Date and Time: Friday, May 24 at 6:30 pm
Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church
5200 Fannin St, Houston, 77004
🍽️ Bayou City Beet offers an early May potluck (3rd Sunday). Karoline will briefly speak about food, land usage, and climate change. Please share your favorite whole-food plant-based dish for our potluck.
Date and Time: May 19 at 1 pm
Location: Lifestyle Docs Clinic 4500 Bissonnet, Suite 355, 77041
🍽️ Plant-Based Woodlands’ theme is How Foods Fight Cancer. We will show a short video, followed by a cooking demo, and invite everyone to enjoy a whole-food plant-based potluck meal afterwards.
Date and Time: Saturday, May 25 at 12 Noon – 2 pm
Location: South Regional Library, 2101 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands
For questions, contact
🍽️ Save the Date! Harmony ‘N Houston invites everyone to the Pavilion to share community, food and the great outdoors. We are looking forward to hearing Dr. Maria Colon-Gonzalez, MD, speak about her work with women and diabetes patients. Please share your favorite whole-food plant-based picnic food.
Date and Time: Sunday, June 9 at 2 pm
Location: Spring Brook Village Pavilion, 3209 Millwork St., Houston, 77080
🧑🏼🍳 Lifestyle Docs welcome Katie Van Hooser to the clinic for this month’s plant based cooking class. This class will be titled, “Making raw foods easy”. Get inspired to eat more raw foods! She will show us simple recipes and tips.
Date and Time: Saturday, May 18 at 11 am
Location: Lifestyle Docs, 4500 Bissonnet St. Suite #355, Bellaire, 77401
🧘🧘🏽♂️ The April Movement Activity will be with Meagan Terry. This is a beginner friendly class.
Cost is $10.00.
You can sign up early here
Date and Time: Saturday May 18, 9:45 – 10:50 am
Location: Lifestyle Docs, 4500 Bissonnet St. Suite #355, Bellaire, 77401
🧘🧘🏽♂️ Mindfulness Meditation with Dr. Munish Chawla, MD
This Class is both in-person and virtual.
Date and Time: May 4, at 9 am CST
Location: Online and Evelyn’s Park, 4400 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, 77401
🚶♀️🚶🏽♂️Walk With A Doc with Drs. Bandana and Munish Chawla, has returned. Enjoy a stroll around Evelyn’s Park while discussing lifestyle topics with the doctors and participants.
Date and Time: May 4 at 9:45 am
Location: Evelyn’s Park, 4400 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, 77401
Until next month our friends, we wish you good health, lots of laughter, and peace!
In Peace and Health,
PlantPure Houston Pod Leaders
For individual pod leader contacts, please see below
Pod Leader contacts
Contact Karoline (aka Karlina)
Bayou City Beet POD
(832) 647-2220
Contact Lisa
PlantEd Fort Bend POD
(713) 560-7849
Contact Susan
Harmony N Houston POD
(713) 724-1880
Contact Donna:
PLANTifull Fare POD
Contact Sangeeta
Plant-Based Woodlands